FuelFit wishes all mothers “Happy Mother’s Day!” We want to take this opportunity to celebrate and honour all mothers, as well as feature some of our very own awesome Mums!

This year, we decided that we will do a special series, featuring 3 of our members who train with us at different locations and have children of different ages.

Second feature in this series is…

Awesome Mum #2

Introducing Shantha from Fuel Fit Simei!

FuelFit Bootcamp Mothers Shantha

Shantha, with her daughter, Adithi and her son, Aditya.

1. Please introduce and tell us more about yourself.

Hi, My name is Shantha Prasad and I have been living in Singapore for almost 10 years. I have a wonderful husband Krishna Prasad, and two beautiful kids, Adithi and Aditya. Until my son was born, I was in the workforce, but later took a break. Currently, I’m a homemaker, involved in some voluntary activities imparting moral-based education to children from my home.

2. Tell us more about your child/children

My kids Adithi and Aditya are aged 15 and 11 years respectively. They both attend an International school. They have a great flair for music and love to listen to music and play the piano. Adithi who is not much of a sports person, loves attending the bootcamp. Aditya loves to read and is quite active in the field of sports. He has represented his school in basketball, and loves playing cricket and tennis. He is an avid reader who is very much interested in present day technology.

3. Tell us why your child/children are awesome by completing the sentence.

Adithi is awesome because… she is more of a great friend to me than a daughter. She is one with whom I share all my thoughts and feelings and  at times she surprisingly gives me very good advice.

Aditya is awesome because… he is the one who appreciates all the small things in life. He loves asking questions and thinks outside the box.

Both of them have a fantastic funny bone and have the ability to make the best out of worst situations.

4. What is the best thing about being a Mum?

The best thing about being a Mum is…  that it is a job that is totally satisfying. There are so many things that is best about this, it’s very difficult to just pick out to one thing. A mom’s job comes with a roller coaster of emotions but the greatest feeling is when she knows that with her kids by her side she is able to manage everything with a great smile on her face.

5. What is your greatest non-fitness achievement?

Total involvement in voluntary work that keeps me busy and satisfied.

6. What is your greatest fitness achievement?

My greatest fitness achievement has been my ability to shed a few extra kilos within a span of just 3 months.

Schedule a call here with Coach Saudi to know more about how FuelFit can help you.

7. How has fitness impacted you personally? How has it impacted your family as a mother?

After having shed those extra kilos, it really feels great. It has boosted my morale, my confidence level is up and stamina has improved. I think that my family would agree with me if I say I used to get stressed and tired quite often but with me now physically fitter and generally happy, the family environment has also taken a very positive turn.

8. Finally, what thoughts, feelings and advice would you like to share with other mothers?

Mothers always feel that their jobs are a thankless one. But believe me, we are ones, who have the greatest job on this earth. God has given us the capacity to define and mould our children. A child’s first school is at home and their first teacher is their mother.

We always feel the need to sacrifice things for the sake of family. This is good but never sacrifice your health and fitness, because very often we hear moms say ‘I have no time’. We will find 100 excuses not to stay fit, lets find one to help us stay fit.

Are you a busy mum who wants to achieve the same kind of results? Schedule a call here with Coach Saudi to know more about how FuelFit can help you.

As with most other special days, Mother’s Day happens only once a year, but the love of our mothers and the sacrifices that they make, touches and impacts us every single day! So once again, if you are a mother, “Thank you, and Happy Mother’s Day!”

If you enjoyed this post, our other features on Stephanie and Michelle!