Breaking the Overnight fast — How to do it right?

kayatoast 01

What comes to your mind when we say ‘breakfast’? The everyday hurry of grabbing several biscuits to pass off as a meal, or even skip it entirely? Some of us might recall our parents getting up especially early to make breakfast, prepping the entire family for a great start to the day before everyone rushes out of the house. However, living away from them gives us another reason to break that habit and give up on breakfast, right? When we are so busy with our day to day activities, starting off with an empty stomach is much too often an option that we end up turning towards.

Breakfast is Worth It!

Breakfast wakes you up, starts your metabolism and should be eaten within two hours of waking![1] Eating breakfast also lowers your risk of diabetes and obesity as having food in your body puts your system to work by regulating your insulin levels. Furthermore, research has shown that people concentrate better when they have a hearty breakfast! [2]

“What about brunch on weekends?”

Getting up late and omitting breakfast to ‘save space’ for brunch is not a good practice. Long periods of fasting, followed by over-eating during brunch creates a long gap before the next meal, causing more fat to be accumulated. Do breakfast, not brunch!

“But I don’t have the appetite in the morning!”

While some of our bodies take longer to ‘wake up’, it is still important to eat breakfast even when we are not hungry. Instead of heading straight for the Kopi or Teh, drink some lukewarm water as soon as you wake up. This will hydrate you and get your metabolism going!


 “So I always eat breakfast, I’m safe!”

oily noodles


It is ever so tempting to head down to our hawker centre to get the most affordable and filling breakfast – ‘Economical Bee Hoon or Noodles”. Paired with our childhood favourite: luncheon meat, this meal scores high in taste and all the wrong nutrients, guaranteeing you a ‘food-coma’ later on.


food coma


It is important to realize that not all breakfasts are treated equal. While it is crucial to have a good meal, avoid oil-drenched and salty foods in the morning, such as Char Kway Teow, Mee Siam or Roti Prata[3]. In addition to simply aiming to eat something at breakfast, focus on consuming something that packs the fiber, protein and micronutrients needed to start your day out right.

Want to stick to the local breakfast? Kaya Toasts with Soft-Boiled Eggs are a better alternative to Fried Bee Hoon. Soft-boiled eggs are high in protein and have less fat than fried eggs. Remember to ask for less butter on your toasts, and go for any beverage with less or no sugar instead!

We understand that on most busy days, many of us will not have the luxury of enjoying a ‘hotel-standard’ breakfast platter. Instead, here are some foods that are easy to prepare and can be packed to work or school, such as:

  • Hard Boiled eggs
  • Hearty Overnight Oats/Oatmeal topped with Nuts and Fruits
  • Fresh Fruit/ Blended Smoothies
  • For those who are not-so-hungry: Keep some trail mix, dried fruits and nuts to consume a while later!

Cultivating the habit of eating a good breakfast is not too difficult a task. FuelFit want to encourage you to have a wholesome, hearty breakfast for a fresher start to the day!




