FuelFit wishes all fathers “Happy Father’s Day!” We want to take this opportunity to celebrate and honour all fathers, as well as feature one of our very own awesome Dads!

Introducing Yanjie from FuelFit Punggol Riviera!

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Yanjie with his son, Yuhang and wife, Bao Ling at one of Singapore’s iconic retro dragon playgrounds!

1) Please introduce yourself and tell us more about you

I’m Yanjie from the Punggol Central (Riviera) group. I’m 31 currently and I’m a product designer at a local startup working on audio products.

2) Tell us more about your child

I have a son who is 20 month old, named Yuhang. He’s still learning and exploring the world everyday without a care in the world, by running around the house and playing with his toys, without cleaning up after that.

3) What was it like when you first found out that you were going to be a Dad?

It was a surreal feeling because it’s still very incredible to think about how a life is created and your fates are going to be intertwined from then on. Of course, there’s also a sense of trepidation and excitement about what lies ahead, because life is never going to be the same again for me.

4) What is one characteristic that your child possesses that you are proud of or feel that you can learn from?

I think the amazing thing about my kid is his sense of wonder with the world. Through him, I have have learnt to look at the world from another point of view, one that is fresh and free of stereotypes.

5) What is the best thing about being a Dad?

The best thing about being a Dad is… being able to have a chance to mould someone’s life.

6) Share with us your greatest non-fitness achievement?

I don’t have anything that I can define as an achievement to me yet but I’m still working towards that. Maybe I can answer the question better in a few years’ time.

7) Share with us your greatest fitness achievement?

Sticking to the same workout regime with FuelFit for 5 years and counting.

8) How has fitness impacted you personally? How has it impacted your family as a father?

Fitness has given me confidence in my daily life, reinforcing the idea that things will improve when you put in effort to it. As a father, it would mean setting a good example for my kid to learn about the benefits of fitness from a young age. And of course, it would mean that I can keep up with my kid when playing with him.

Are you a busy father who wants to achieve the same kind of results? Schedule a call here with Coach Saudi to know more about how FuelFit can help you.

9) What thoughts, feelings and advice would you like to share with other fathers?

My short fatherhood journey has taught me that anything that is worth doing is hard work and time is a precious commodity that we have to spend wisely.

Fathers are usually thought of as the head of the household and provider for the family, but we often forget to express our love and gratitude to these amazing men and unsung heroes. So if you are a Dad, from us to you, “Thank you and we love you! Happy Father’s Day!”